string of unlucky events have been happening to our household!
got d letter from d police,
court appearance 10 June.
luckily not having exam on that day.
got d letter from d insurance as well.
endless assignments.
car problems!!!
last friday,
speedometer died on me.
no choice but to follow the car's speed in front of me.
i freaking see a big flash!
have been a good girl all along,
always keeping within d speed limits.
N my speedometer recovered,
once i pass the speed-cam.
my car 'tiki' w me agn!!
was driving halfway when i realised
my car wasn't having much power
as compared to normal.
didn't think much of it till
suddenly my eyes caught d sight of d radiator temp reader
it's 1 bar away from MAX!!
had to pull over my car immediately
in the middle of d Warrago Highway!
from bright evening light
so dark..
(luckily i stopped over at where there's street-lamps)
- most of Warrago Highway is unlightened.
2hrs in the cold
waiting for our heroes..
oh man..
anyway, had a crash course this aftnoon abt cars
now i know d locations:
a. wiper water
b. coolent water
c. starter motor
d. wiper motor
e. engine motor
f. engine oil
lol, hopefully all these is enough..
next up!
need to learn how to change types.